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Alert: Bastrop County & City residents, come to Bastrop City Hall on Tuesday!

Linda Curtis

Bastrop city and county residents: It is urgently important that you show up at the Bastrop

City Council meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 pm at City Hall, 1311 Chestnut. Help us spread the word!

Last week, the Council held a closed-door meeting (Executive Session) about Bastrop’s water supply without telling the public anything about the subject of this discussion. They took no action, but more discussion about the city’s “water supply” (again unexplained) is on the Executive Session Agenda this Tuesday. And this time they might just take action, and no one knows ahead of time what it’s about.

We do have an inkling of what this is about from some statements by Councilman Willie DeLaRosa in a recent open session. He wants the city to take action with its XS Ranch water project that — based on what we, the public, know today — could be very risky to the water future of the city of Bastrop and even Bastrop County.

Who pays for this poker game? YOU — city and county residents.

We will fill you in on Tuesday — so come a few minutes early if you can.

Meanwhile, the Council — with clenched teeth — put our measure for “Reasonable Petition Requirements” on the November ballot — they had to by law. However, they broke it up into five ballot measures, so you will have to vote “YES” five times for your petition rights in November!

On a more hilarious note is the Mayor’s reassurance that the city is now “stable” while we witness the abuse of Executive Session and foot dragging on open records requests. We filed an open records request for phone records of Council members Kesselus, Schiff and DeLaRosa and water marketer Joe Beal, who remains — for now — on the Bastrop Economic Development Board. If they do city business on a phone, the records are subject to open records requests. DeLaRosa is especially vulnerable because he refuses to use email.

We just posted a dedicated page for Bastrop residents in light of the November election. Candidate endorsements are not yet decided. Visit the Bastrop page and share it here.

Don’t miss this excellent report in the Elgin Courier on the recent Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District hearing on End Op’s 46,000 acre-feet groundwater permit resulting in a delay of action: Hearing Results in Delayed Action — until September

SAVE THIS DATE!!! Wednesday, September 7, 7 pm, First National Bank Community Room, Main bank in Bastrop. You won’t want to miss it. More real soon.

Please spread the word for us and show up on Tuesday. Your affordability and your water are at risk and that’s no joke.

P.S. Message to the Mayor and Council: don’t play poker with our water and wallets and make the gorilla take off his costume.

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