A LOT of things are developing that we are calling you — the troops — out for.
Please reply for details to join our statewide conference call at 5 pm tomorrow — Sunday, March 13th.
As the parties continue to spur our differences, the independent movement continues to unite us across party and ideological lines.
Today (Saturday), starting at 10 am, we’ll be in San Antonio and it’s outskirts working with independent for Texas House, Laura Thompson and the San Antonio water ratepayer petition — don’t gouge us for the Vista Ridge San Antone Hose! (We’ll be at Poncho & Gringos Restaurant at 900 Nolan at 10 am today or call 512-657-2089 to catch us out in the field).
There are very hot runoff elections in May developing in Senate District 24 (a huge swath of Texas from Bandera to Abilene) and in Senate District 1 in NE Texas. There’s also hot local runoffs for Commissioner Precincts 1 and 3 in Bastrop County and a city of Bastrop election. And there appears on the horizon an uprising developing in the City of Austin, a city in a deep affordability crisis due to the no-holds-barred in-migration growth policies of Austin city management. (If you live in Austin, be sure to sign up to get the ChangeAustin.org email alerts and stay tuned.)
If that ain’t enough for you, I don’t know what is. Get involved folks. Your water, your land and your affordability is on the line, so get on tomorrow’s conference call line!
Send a note to info@indytexans.org or call us at 512-535-0989 for the conference call line.