If independents score a triple play tomorrow — in Austin, Hays and Bastrop — it will be because you agree that
democracy is not a spectator sport.
1 No on Prop 1 in Austin, 2 No on Props 1&2 in Hays County and 3 FOR all five Props 1-5 in the City of Bastrop
Big turnout tomorrow can easily work for us — the grassroots. Our very simple plan is to hand voters a flier to read while standing in line. Join us anytime between 7 am and 7 pm — more details below, including things you can do from home. You can even print out your own fliers.
sk Bastrop city voters to vote FOR all city propositions (Props 1 thru 5), on the back of their ballot. County and city voters can read our endorsements page for an urgent emergency management issue and some good people running for local office that we support.
Ask Austinites to vote No on Prop 1. This massive $720 million “transportation” bond is really a big giveway to the Austin Growth Machine that is wreaking havoc in our region. The flier linked on this page can be printed out. We also have plenty of extras for you to pick up and take to your poll. Like and share away! (And y’all Austinites know you can vote at any poll tomorrow, right?)
Ask Hays Countians to vote No on Props 1&2 — the $106 million unneccessary jail expansion and $131 million roads to nowhere bonds. We need more hands to give this fliers out to voters at the polls. We have a few paid positions still open for tomorrow. Send your friends to SaveHays.com for some well-researched information. Call or text the cell below if you can help.
As always, contact us anytime!
Have fun tomorrow — this election will soon be over — yippee! 🙂