Give the ‘good ol boys’ the boot!
Election Day is tomorrow, Saturday, May 6. Polls are open from 7 am to 7 pm.
Thank goodness early voting turnout has been strong. Our webspage here gives you many details, including all Bastrop County races.
The GOBN (that’s the NOT ‘good ol’ boys’ who are serving themselves to your hard earned tax dollars) are on the run. They’re also not all ‘boys’. Bastrop City Councilmember Deborah Jones went off the deep end again in this hypocritical and convoluted commentary in yesterday’s paper. She’s one of the two Council Members who just received a taxpayer dollar bailout from her friends on the Bastrop City Council to pay her attorney fees to defend herself for alleged ethics violations!
You have asked us for our opinion. This was easy. These are all honest, well-qualified individuals who are known in this community: Connie Schroeder for Mayor Lyle Nelson for Place 3 Nancy Wood for Place 4
Please DENY a seat on this council to GOBNers, DeLaRosa, Ennis and Harle.
Put your boots on, Bastrop! Pass this along and hold your breath for some fresh air!
Again, if you have time to lend a hand today or tomorrow — call or reply to this message.
Of course, you can also donate to help us cover our costs to reach
Bastrop voters. Whatever you can throw in the can is much appreciated!
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Thank you for whatever you can do.