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Guess who will decide this election, including Hays County Props 1 & 2

Linda Curtis

Independents — now 42% of America — will decide this election. This is

especially true in Hays County as more and more Millennials (the majority of whom now identify as independents) have moved to Hays County seeking the affordability that would allow them to raise a family.

QUESTION:  Guess who is trying to saddle this generation with the $237.8 million additional debt for an unnecessary jail expansion and roads to nowhere — Props 1&2? 

Answer: The Hays County Commissioners Court – led by Commissioner Will Conley.

Conley even had the nerve to defend Hays County’s official Facebook page deleting posts from citizens raising questions about their taxes AND Props 1 & 2.

Conley just said in open court that for the county to answer these questions, “would be a waste of taxpayer money.” (Click on the 40 second video and see for yourself). Vote No on Props 1 & 2 and help us reach voters with this half-page handy flier.You can print it out and take it to the polls or we can get you some.

Of course, lots of great information has been gathered for you to share from the website.

Those little fliers can make a huge difference if you hand ’em out right there at your poll site as folks will be standing in line. Just make sure you stay outside of the 100 foot marker.

Thank you, Hays Countians!



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