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Statewide News — we hit the jackpot yesterday!

Linda Curtis

Things were cookin’ in Austin yesterday with NE Texas farmer, Julia Trigg Crawford, populist Republican Debra Medina and populist Democrat Jim Hightower.

They were there to call attention to the Legislature’s failure to address eminent domain abuse and the risks to our land and water supply posed by pipeline companies and frackers, because they’re trying to skip a step — full public hearings.  Read Crawford, Medina and Hightower’s to Dewhurst, Straus and Legislators here.

What can you do to help?  Ask your State Rep and State Senator to support the call for an Interim Study and hearings.  Find your reps here.  If you’re someone who is frustrated with your state reps, send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper and talk to your neighbors about calling for a hearing in your area.  We will help you set one up.

House District 17:  (That’s Lee, Bastrop, Caldwell, Gonzales and Karnes counties)

         State Representative Tim Kleinschmidt apparently believes he can sell out his constituents’ water rights and still get reelected.  In his letter announcing he’s running again, we count six times he uses the word “conservative” — in four sentences.  Please share a comment at the end of Kleinschmidt’s letter here what that word “conservative” means to you.

         We are developing plans for targeting the defeat of other members of the Texas House and Senate for defeat.  

We can use your help:

1. Will you volunteer with us in your area of the state?

2.  Can you donate funds to our efforts?  We need to quickly raise $3,000 to rent a hall for a state convention in the early Fall.

3.  Would you join our convention team to put on that Fall convention?

First, be sure to sign in at site (click on the “join” under the Texas icon on the upper right hand of this page), then send us an email to, include your phone number and we’ll be back real soon with an area meeting and/or conference call.  Or just give us a call at 512-535-0989.  Just say you want to help.


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