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Time for an Independent Break in Texas House

Linda Curtis

For Immediate Release

Independent Texans, a citizens PAC seeking recognition for approximately 5 million independent non-aligned Texas voters, announced its search for candidates to challenge Texas House incumbents. The group believes that the Governor’s poor performance in the presidential race, together with both parties’ refusal to address redistricting reform, have rendered the Texas Republican Party vulnerable to another exodus of independent voters, particularly in the Texas House of Representatives.

Linda Curtis, a co-founder of Independent Texans in 2001 following her stint as State Organizer for Ross Perot’s Reform Party said,

Rick Perry’s poor performance in the presidential race has been good for Texas independents in a funny sort of way. The Governor’s ‘crony capitalism’ record has been highly scrutinized, clarifying the dire need for electoral competition in Texas elections.  For years, Texas independents have challenged the early filing deadline – the earliest in the nation for independents – as it served to curb electoral competition. Now, thanks to the redistricting mess and the Governor, the new filing deadline for candidates on February 1 is very likely to be moved again.  We welcome community leaders who are agents of change to step up and run, run, run. Call us now!

Michele Gangnes, a Lee County volunteer and political independent, said,

One key district we’re looking at is the ‘new’ House District 17 which will continue to include Lee and Bastrop counties. Our Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt has failed to stand up to an attempted raid on our water, to feed the real estate lobby that feeds Rick Perry.  Ordinary citizens who are actively challenging the raid feel they are at the mercy of the water marketers, with no one to speak for them at the state level. When asked during the last election cycle to advocate against massive groundwater transfers to fuel development south of Austin, Rep. Kleinschmidt assured us that the Legislature wasn’t going to deal with water issues. Instead, we saw over 30 bills introduced and the passage of two constitutional amendments, all related to water.  One amendment widens state government’s already open door to funding a pipeline big enough to move 71 million gallons per day of our water to the I-35 growth corridor.  It’s time Texans wake up to the false assurance that growth and development are always for the greater good – and always worth the price.

Phil Cook, a Bastrop small business owner and environmental leader said,

There are other key areas of the state we need to watch for an independent outbreak.  One would be in northeast Texas where the Perry administration appears to be rolling over for a pipeline carrying tar sands – not your run of the mill oil, but highly toxic crude that must be piped at high pressure. The Trans-Canada/Keystone XL pipeline threatens the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer which serves almost 12 million Texans.  This project could help unite opposition groups and spur another independent outbreak, just like the Trans-Texas Corridor did in 2006.

Independent Texans is calling on citizens to step up to the plate across the state.  They can encourage candidates who are willing to resist the policies of the Perry administration. They can also contact the organization through its website at and sign a petition letter in the “news” section of the site urging public hearings on the Keystone XL Pipeline, or by calling 512-535-0989.


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