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Urgent Water Alert!

Linda Curtis

Believe it or not, this Wednesday night at 7 pm, at the Giddings American Legion (map here – 1502 Hwy 77, Giddings, Texas), Forestar Real Estate Group will come knocking AGAIN on the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District’s door.

Yes, Forestar is calling for yet another re-hearing on their application for 45K Acre Feet Per Year (AFY)!!!

Please come to this important meeting! Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7 pm American Legion Hall – Giddings 1502 Hwy 77 Agenda here

Forestar’s move for a second re-rehearing comes on the heels of the recent state administrative hearing between End Op and Aqua Water Supply Corporation. Aqua Water and EndOp have come to agreement on Aqua Water’s challenge to End Op’s permit. Aqua is accepting financial mitigation for the potential damage to Aqua’s wells, and EndOp is agreeing to both reduce its application from 56K Acre Feet Per Year (AFY) to 46K, and limit its production in Bastrop County to 35% of its total production. (Note: EndOp appears to be offering some sort of mitigation for landowners, but we don’t have enough information yet to tell you much about it.)

It is becoming increasingly clear what both End Op’s and Forestar’s game plan is:  If both of them sue, perhaps they can break our water district. A win for them would mean another 75K AFY permitted for Lee County and an additional 16K in Bastrop County, to serve about 275,000 households somewhere else.

Election note:  Early voting starts tomorrow. Don’t feed the hogs at the trough y’all.

It is outrageous, as we head into early voting tomorrow, that our State Rep. Kleinschmidt, who stands to financially benefit if Forestar gets its way, is unopposed in the Republican primary. If you plan to vote in the Republican primary, we suggest you abstain in that race and lodge your complaints with your local Republican organization(s). On the Democratic side, we also have yet to hear a peep from our State Senator Kirk Watson — well known for his developer connections. If you’re voting in the Democratic primary, we recommend you also abstain in this one and lodge your complaints with your local Democratic organization(s).

Know folks who live in Travis County? There’s a hot race for Travis County Judge. Our friends at, has endorsed former County Comissioner, Sarah Eckhardt. Please consider passing this on to your Travis County voting friends. Send them here or here to the Facebook page.

Bring a pitch fork — for the purposes of a picture only 🙂 and be prepared to speak your mind!

PS  There’s also a hearing today about the request by LCRA to cut further the “downstreamers.” As Fayette County Judge Janecka put it at a TCEQ hearing last week, “We’re all here today because Austin cannot control its growth.” We could hardly believe an official finally mentioned the elephant in the room!


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