Expect a full report soon — with an action request — from the League of Independent Voters on 7 of the 9 recent East Texas hearings on eminent domain, public safety and protection of waterways. Meanwhile, please take a moment to read this release from NacStop.org, a group that’s been fighting for East Texas pipeline safety for three years.
* This is a quick note to ask you to mark your calendars and get to Giddings this Monday for a critical hearing about the attempted groundwater grab by Forestar Real Estate Group. The Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District granted a last minute rehearing to Forestar. Meanwhile, as you may know, Forestar and Hays County Commissioner’s Court have formed an unholy alliance that is urging for a favorable opinion from Attorney General Greg Abbott to aid their water raid on the Simsboro formation of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer mostly underlying Lee County. Come to this important hearing — wherever you live! No matter what happens, this is shaping up as ground zero for local water control and a issue in the Governor’s race.
Monday, December 16th, 6 pm Lost Pines Water Hearing! American Legion, 1502 Hwy. 77, Giddings, TX map here.
* January 11-12, the League of Independent Voters of Texas will hold a two day affair about local control. There’s this national group, Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, that has worked with 150 communities so far to begin to overturn the 100 years of case law supporting “corporate personhood.” Corporate personhood, in CELDF’s view, forms the foundation of the “crony capitalism” that has begun to bring folks together across the partisan divide to protect our land and water. Can the CELDF model for local control help us continue to build a broad independent populist alliance in Texas? More details next week!