Tonight the Bastrop City Council will make some important decisions at a Special Meeting starting at 6:30 pm. No public comments will be taken, therefore you can easily watch from home:
►The Council will take a second and final vote to place our ballot measure for petition reform on the November ballot. We believe we have clarified a concern raised last week by the Interim City Attorney, David Bragg, followed by some mistatements by Councilwoman Jones. We’ll be watching tonight to see how this is handled and hope everyone will settle in. The Mayor was very measured last week, which we noticed and appreciated.
►On another equally important note is the XS Ranch water deal for the City of Bastrop. A pivotal vote could be taken tonight affecting the water picture for the entire County and even Lee County because Bastrop and Lee counties share the Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District.
►Last week’s Lost Pines GCD’s hearing on End Op, L.P. resulted in the Board delaying action until their September meeting. They were criticized by a number of supporters of the district — landowners and residents — for bending too far for End Op. Stay tuned.
We apologize for the lateness of this message. If you get this too late, we will fill you in, in short order.
We’ve been quite busy doing open records requests and doing our homework. We’re looking forward to sharing that with you soon!