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Water Heating Up on Prop 6 – Vote NO!

Linda Curtis

The water is heating up on Prop 6 and the Governor’s special interest pals. Isn’t it fun to make Perry jump in to defend his Prop 6?

Check out this KTRH report today in Houston, where 1/3 of the voters likely to vote in this election reside:

We are calling out the troops to defeat this dangerous amendment designed to divert $2B from the Rainy Day Fund for Perry’s cronies in real estate and related industries, urban ratepayers and rural folks be damned.

Join us this Saturday at 9 am for a statewide conference call.  We have a specific plan for how we’re going to take down Prop 6, despite the very big money backing it.  It can be done, but not without YOU!

If you want to join the call, send an email to us at or call us at 512-535-0989.

Save the Date!  We will converge upon San Antonio on Monday, October 14th at 10 am for a press conference in the downtown area.  See if you can get there please.  We will help with hooking up a ride for you, if you need assistance.

If your organization has endorsed a “Vote No on Pop 6”, please let us know by calling or emailing us.



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