Dear Members & Friends:
* The five reasons why the Pati Jacobs race against incumbent Rep. Tim Kleinschmidt is turning heads across the state:
1. The respected Quorum Report is now watching this race and just interviewed Jacobs and a spokesman for Kleinschmidt. Kleinschmidt spokesman said the reason he had leased his water rights was that if a lease hadn’t been signed then the underground water resources could be sucked out from under their land without compensation.
2. Kleinschmidt is now calling on the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), to “mediate” the dispute over Bastrop & Lee counties’ groundwater. (That’s like asking the fox to guard the henhouse, since TWDB’s six members are all Perry appointees whose job is to mediate — something they have already failed to do.)
3. The Statesman reported that San Antonio, in addition to Hays Co., is a likely recipient of Bastrop & Lee counties’ groundwater, the pipeline cost is closer to $400 million. Moreover, private water profiteers were meeting with the the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA) in an undisclosed location last Friday.
4. Texans for Public Justice reported that the GBRA Vice Chair, Clifton Thomas, gave $251,000 to Perry.
5. The chair of the TWDB, James Herring, has given $11,000 to Rick Perry.
* The Rocky Palmquist race for Bastrop County Commission, Precinct 4:
Sadly, when Rocky arrived at 6 am to open his business last Saturday, he found his Jack Russell terrier mix hung to his gate with his head bashed in. No signs of a car hitting him were found.
Independent Texans condemns these criminal and cruel acts. We ask all citizens, no matter where you stand on the issues or candidates, to be on the watch for a fair and free election in Bastrop and all counties. If you have any information about this, please come forward. Read a letter to the editor here from the Bastrop Republican Party.
* More soon on the Governor’s race…
Please volunteer some time to help us reach voters! Call or email us at
DONATE! For every dollar you give, we can reach 3 voters for Pati and Rocky.
We need money and volunteers to help get the word out via regular mail to those not on the internet, largely rural and elderly folks.
Independently yours,
Linda Curtis Independent Texans PO Box 6718 Austin, TX 78762 512-535-7208 office 512-657-2089 cell
PS Check out our new FACEBOOK page and “like” us, won’t ya and share?! Check out our new blog and the great video of Pati Jacobs at our forum last month.